Medication Management

Medication Management helps ensure patients achieve the best possible outcomes from medications. This is dedicated time for you to voice how medications are working and make any necessary adjustments to optimize safe and effective medication use.

Who is this service for?

Anyone taking a medication should be periodically monitored.
Anyone suffering from a condition that has not responded to psychotherapy or is in need of mood stabilization may be eligible for a prescribed medication

Vitamins in hands

What are the benefits of this service?

– Improve attention and hyperactivity issues
– Reduce depression
– Relieve stress and anxiety
– Control emotional highs and lows (bipolar)
– Lessen insomnia (sleepless nights)
– Stabilize mood
– Decrease suicidal thoughts and self-harm
– Enhance ability to relax


Vitamins, Herb, Aromatherapy

Studies have shown that some dietary supplements and aromatherapy may be helpful for reducing depressive, anxiety, focus and mood symptoms in some people. Janette previously worked in complementary and alternative medicine and this remains an ongoing interest area for her. She is willing to discuss these options with you.

Our Medication Management Process:

Taking medication is a very personal choice. While we may offer recommendations, ultimately it is your decision. We will take the time to discuss the pros and cons of medications to ensure you are well-informed
on what to expect as possible side-effects. Whatever you decide will be respected.

From inception and throughout treatment medication management is an ongoing process that monitors your regimen to ensure your medications are adequately treating your condition and meeting your goals.

  • Comprehensive evaluation to understand any symptoms that you are experiencing and create a personalized plan in collaboration with you that factors in your overall health, lifestyle, and other issues that may affect medication therapy.
  • Assess whether symptom(s) should be treated individually or part of a larger diagnosis.
  • Recommend appropriate medications. Whether it is to treat anxiety, depression, bipolar or attention issues. What medication works for one person may not work for another. Discuss timing and consistency of medications and answer questions.
  • Set follow-up visits to monitor medication. This helps to reduce side effects, hospital visits and potential interactions by monitoring response, potential interactions and lifestyle changes.
    • In the beginning, follow-ups may occur as frequently as weekly or every other week
    • Later, visits generally occur once every 3 months
  • Recommend therapy (If appropriate). Decades of research has shown that psychiatric medications can make other treatments – like counseling or psychotherapy, more effective.
    • Medication with therapy is often more effective than just medication on its own
Man smiling
We provide both medication management and talk therapy. If you are taking medication as part of your treatment and also participating in therapy, your therapist may be your prescribing clinician or another therapist. Either way, we can work together.

What does care look like
for this service?



Your initial appointment with Janette will last 60-90 minutes. This includes time to complete and review your new patient paperwork and discuss the concerns that brought you in, the goals you have and the options for moving forward.


Care Plan

Your care plan changes with you and your life circumstances. You are the leader as we discuss how quickly you want to move forward and how frequently you want to be seen.


Follow Up

Follow-up visits are determined by your progress, medication you may be taken and federal law. For example, many ADHD medications must be monitored quarterly.


Yearly Check-In

You are pleased with your progress and no changes have been necessary for six months. To remain on a non-controlled prescribed medication, Nebraska law requires you to be seen annually to renew your prescription.