Talk Therapy

Life can be stressful and sometimes you just need a safe place to talk something out. Whatever the stressor, at Thrive Mental Health, no matter who you are, you have that safeplace. This is a time for personal growth, to increase coping skills, and be better equipped to handle life’s stressors when they occur and shake off old habits that you feel may be holding you back.

Who is this service for?

Thrive includes talk therapy with the majority of their sessions. They feels it is important to understand your individual circumstances to best serve you. Talk therapy is available to anyone that wants it.

What are the benefits of this service?

– Personal Growth
– Better Coping Skills
– Reveal and dispel unhealthy habits

Vitamins in hands

What does care look like for this service?



Your initial appointment with Janette will last 60-90 minutes. This includes time to complete and review your new patient paperwork and discuss the concerns that brought you in, the goals you have and the options for moving forward.


Care Plan

Your care plan changes with you and your life circumstances. You are the leader as we discuss how quickly you want to move forward and how frequently you want to be seen.


Follow Up

Follow-up visits are determined by your progress, medication you may be taken and federal law. For example, many ADHD medications must be monitored quarterly.


Yearly Check-In

You are pleased with your progress and no changes have been necessary for six months. To remain on a non-controlled prescribed medication, Nebraska law requires you to be seen annually to renew your prescription.

Each 30-minute follow-up includes time to discuss current stressors.
If you need more time; a 60-minute session can be scheduled.